History, Basic Structure, C Token, Data Type, operators, printf() and scanf()
The C Language is developed for
creating system applications that directly interact with the hardware devices
such as drivers, kernels, etc.
C programming is considered as the
base for other programming languages, that is why it is known as mother
It can be defined by the following
- Mother language
- System programming language
- Procedure-oriented programming language
- Structured programming language
- Mid-level programming language
History of C Language:
- C programming language was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at bell laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph), located in U.S.A.
- Dennis Ritchie is known as the founder of C language.
- It was developed to overcome the problems of previous languages such as B, BCPL etc.
- Initially, C language was developed to be used in UNIX operating system. It inherits many
- features of previous languages such as B and BCPL
General Structure of C
Documentation Section
Link Section
Definition Section
Global Declaration Section
Main() Function section
Subprogram Section
Documentation Section:
The documentation section consists of set of comments. The documentation in the
program can be given by comment lines. The documentation done by comment lines
are not the program statement, hence it will be ignore by the compiler.
There two types of comment lines.
Single line comment - //
Multiline comment- /* */
Link Section: The
link section provides an instruction to the compiler to link the library
function with the program. Link section in program is given by header files.
Definition Section:
The definition defines all the symbolic constants. Example value of PI (3.14)
Global Declaration
Section: There are some variable which are used in more than one function,
then those variables must be declare in global section.
main() function:
Every C program must have main( ) function. It’s the compulsory function of C
program. It is user defined function. This section contains two parts
Declaration part: local variable declaration
Executable part:
consists of program statements
Subprogram Section:
the subprogram section contains all the user defined functions that are called
in the main function.
Header files:
There are many header files in c Language. The some of the basic header
files which we normally used in the program are
<stdio.h> standard Input/ output header file
<conio.h> console
input/output header file
<math.h> common
mathematical functions header file
<string.h> string
function header files (String handling function)
<stdlib.h> General
utilities: memory
management, program
utilities, string
conversions, random
Features of C Language:
- C language is a portable language
- C is a middle level language
- C is a robust language
- C has an ability to extend itself
- C is well suited for structured programming. Hence easy to debug, maintain and test.
- C language support the concept of memory management
- Program written in C language is faster and efficient
C Token
The smallest individual unit of a C program is called C Tokens ie a small
things needed to create a C program is called tokens.
- Keywords are the reserved words of c language.
- Every keyword has a specific meaning and is used for the specific purpose.
- Keywords cannot be used as a variable or function name.
- The keywords are defined in small letters.
- Total there are 32 keywords in C language.
and variables:
Identifiers refer the name of variables, functions and array. They are
user defined names consists of letters and digits.
Variable is just a data name to
store a data value.
The following are rules for defining
the variables and identifiers
- A variable can have alphabets, digits and underscore.
- A variable name can start with alphabet and underscore only. It can't start with digit.
- No white space is allowed within variable name.
- A variable name must not be any reserved word or keyword e.g. int, float etc.
- Only first 31 characters are significant.
Constants: Constants
in C refers to fixed values that do not change during the execution of a
constant: consists of 0-9 digits preceded by + or – sign.
Example: 12, -20, +38
Constant: constants which contain the fractional parts. Such are called real or
floating numbers.
Example: 12.75, -17.5, +.5
constant: single character is called character constant. In C language character
constant are represented in single quotations.
Example: ‘c’
Constant: more than one character is considered as string. They are represented in
double quotations.
Example: “shailesh”
Types: C language is rich in its data
types. Variety of data types allows the programmer to select the appropriate
types as per the requirement of application.
ANSI C supports three classes of
data types. They are
- Primary or fundamental data types
- Derived data types
- User-defined data types
Primary Data types:
C supports five fundamental data
types. They are
Integer (int)
Character (char)
Floating point (float)
Double precision floating point
Generic type (void)
In order to provide the control over the
range of values and storage classes C supports three classes of integer namely
int, short int, long int in both signed and usigned forms. The use of qualifer
signed on integer is optional because the default declaration assumes a signed
number. It also provide three classes of floating types namely float, double
and long double.
Declaration and Initilization:
Variable is a data name to store a
data value. Variable can be used to stroe a value of any type. The syntax for
declaring the variable is as follows.
v1, v2, …….vn;
Where data type is the type of
variable and v1, v2, ….. vn are the name of variable separated by commas and
the declaration ends with semicolon.
int a;
int a, b,c;
float average, ratio;
double ratio;
Variable initialization can be done
in two ways
Compile time initialization
Run time initialization
Compile time initialization means
assigning the value to variable during writing of the program (assigning a
value to a variable in the program using the assignment operator =)
int a=10;
int a = 10, b = 20, c = 30;
double ratio = 10.5;
number1, number2, sum;
= 10;
= 20;
= number1+number2;
Run time initialization means
assigning a value to a variable from the keyboard during the execution of the
program. This is done by using the input function ie scanf( ).
C supports a rich set of operators. An
operator is simply a symbol that tells the computer to perform certain
mathematical and logical manipulations. Operators are used to manipulate data
and variables.
There are different types of C
operators. They are
- Arithmetic Operators
There are five types of arithmetic operators. They are
Addition + a + b
Substraction - a - b
Multiplication * a * b
Division / a / b
Modulo % a % b
All the arithmetic operators except
modulo operators can be used with integer and real constants.
Modulo operators can be used with
integer operands.
- Relational Operators
The relational operators are
< less than
> greater
than operator
<= less than or
equal to operator
>= greater
than or equal to operator
== equal-equal
to operator or comparison operator
!= Not equal to
Relational operators are used within the condition for
comparing the values.
Example: (a>b) , (a==b), (a>=b)
- Logical Operators
There are three types of logical operators. They are
Logical AND && it returns true when all condition are
true and false when all or one is false
Logical OR |
| It returns true when all or any
one condition is true else returns false
Logical NOT ! It is used for negation
Logical operators are used to combine more than one
condition in the single statements.
If (a>b)
&& (a>c)
- Increment and decrement operators
Increment Operator ++
Decrement operator -
Increment and decrement operators are used to increment or
decrement the value of a variable. Default it increment or decrement by 1. Both
are unary operator.
++m (prefix operators means it will increment the value
first and then assign)
m++ (postfix operators means it will assign first and then
increment the value)
same for – (decrement operator)
example: m=10; m=10;
x=++m; x=m++;
and m=11 x=10 and m=11
- Assignment Operator
Assignment operator =
(equal sign)
It is used assign a value to variable. Everything on the
right side will be assigned to the left side variable by assignment operator.
Example: a=1; a=a+1;
a=a+1; can also be written using shorthand operator ie a+=1;
- Ternary or Conditional Operators
It is denoted by (? :)
It is known as ternary operator because it uses three
operands. The syntax of ternary operator is
exp1 ? exp2
: exp3;
Here exp1 is a condition, if the exp1 is true then it will
execute exp2 after the (?) Else execute exp3 after the (:)
X=(a>b) ? a : b;
- Special operators
C supports some special operators such as comma operator,
sizeof operator, pointer operators (& and *), and member selection
operators ( . and ->).
- Bitwise Operators:
C supports bitwise operators for the manipulation of the
data at bit level. Bitwise operators are not applied to float and double.
Operators Meaning
& - bitwise AND
| - bitwise OR
^ - bitwise exclusive OR
<< - shift left
>> - shift right
printf() and
scanf() in C
The printf() is an output function and scanf() is an input
functions used for output and input in C language. Both functions are library
functions, which are already defined in the header file stdio.h (standard input
output header file).
printf() function
The printf()
function prints on output screen. Everything that is in double quotation
in printf() is a message which will be printed on output screen by printf(). It
also prints the output ie the value of the variable given in the argument list.
of printf() function:
printf("format string",argument_list);
The format string
can be %d (integer), %c (character), %s (string), %f (float) based on the
argument list etc. Argument is the list of variable names separated by comma.
scanf() function
The scanf() function
is an input function. It is used to read the value from the keyboard during the
execution of program means it used to assign the value to a variable at
runtime. The value assign to a variable at runtime is known as runtime
scanf("format string",argument_list);
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