C Programs for Mid Semester Examination 19-20
Practical Set 1, 2 and 3.(for examination)
Even Academic Semester (2019-20)
Subject: Introductory Course in
Computer Programming (1ET1000110)
• Write a program to print HELLO FRIENDS!
• Write a program that reads two nos. from keyboard and perform
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulo.
• Write a C program to use symbolic constant.(area of circle)
• Write
a C Program to swap two numbers.
• Given
three values, write a C program to read three values from keyboard and print
out the largest of them without using if statement.
Write a program to select & print the largest of the three
nos. using Nested-If-Else statement.
Write menu driven C program for simple calculator.
The distance between two cities (In KM) is input through key
board. Write a program to convert and print this distance in meters, feet,
inches & centimeters.
Write a program to find sum of all integers greater than 100 &
less than 200 and are divisible by 5.
Write a program to display the sum of first 10 natural numbers.
Write a program to find sum of first N odd and even numbers.
Write a C program to find the factorial of given number.
Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not.
Write a C program to check whether given Number is Palindrome or
Write a C program to read a positive integer N and check whether
it is Armstrong or not.
Write a C program to check whether the number is perfect number or
Write a C program for Fibonacci Series ( 1 1 2 3 5 8)
Program to print Patterns. Any simple pattern will be asked
using nested loop.
Write a C Program to make sum of 10 numbers using an Array.
Write a C Program to find maximum of given array elements.
Write a C Program to sort array elements in ascending and
descending order.
Write a C Program to make summation of two 3*3 matrixes.
a C Program to make matrix multiplication of two 3*3 matrixes.
Write a program to read the string from keyboard and count its
total length.
Write a C program to check whether the given String is Palindrome
or not.
Write a C program to concate (append) one string after another.
Display the resultant concatenated string.
Write a function program to add first N numbers.
Write a function prime that return 1 if it‘s argument is prime and
return 0 if not.
Write a function which accepts a string and returns the length of
Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion.
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