Assignment of ICCP for all Student

Assignment for ICCP Subject: 1ET1000110
Evaluation will be done on the basics of assignment, so it is compulsory for all CE/IT/ICT students

  • What is flowchart? Draw a flowchart to print first N Fibonacci numbers.
  • Explain various symbols used in Flowchart and draw the flowchart for finding Factorial of a number given by user.
  • Write an algorithm and draw the flow chart to find the largest of the given three numbers – A ,B and C.
  • Explain the Basic structure of C program.
  • Define C Token and explain in brief.
  • Explain various Operators used in C language
  • Explain data types used in C.
  • State the syntax of Switch-case statement. Explain it with appropriate example.
  • Explain if...else, Nested if....else and else if ladder with suitable example.
  • Explain various types of loop available in C with example.
  • Explain the use of break statement with example
  • What is looping? Explain the difference between while and do..while statement.
  • Describe following string functions in C-Language. strcpy() 2) strcat() 3) strlen() 4) strcmp()
  • Differentiate call by value and call by reference, formal argument and actual argument.
  • Differentiate break and continue.


  1. Once the college starts each one have to submit assignment


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